Inspiring Interior Design Portfolio Ideas With Examples

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August 17, 2023
Robern Design Solutions

Learn how to capture your design essence with this curated selection of digital interior design portfolio examples that can inspire and rejuvenate your work. Whether your specialty is the emotional depth of bohemian interior design or the practical beauty of commercial interior design.  

When you complete your portfolio, it won't just be a collection of projects, but a vibrant testament to your design journey. Let's discover interior design portfolio ideas to help you on your journey. 

Classic Carousel

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Sara Zofko

This portfolio uses a classic horizontal carousel viewer to easily showcase the designer’s work in images right next to each other. The simple, yet functional design allows viewers to get a quick and easy glance to become inspired for their own rooms. 

Titled Tiles

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Sara Zofko

Another classic template, the tiled view gives an even greater glimpse into the designer’s work, allowing more images to be viewable at once. This allows for easy deign comparison and even an easy way to mix-and-match elements of each design. 

Color Palettes

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Emma Kay

Creating a portfolio of similar color palettes is great for clients who may be looking for a specific color for their own rooms. Designs can then be inspired based on the specific room colors. 

Large Images and Bold Contact Details

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
Credit: Cameron Mac Neil

This portfolio not only easily highlights the designer’s work with its large format images, but it also makes it easy for clients to get in touch with the designer and check out their social media channels, which offer even more inspirational designs. 

The Art Gallery View

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Studio 715

This portfolio design draws inspiration from traditional art galleries with images that are displayed like pieces of wall-hung art. 

Touring Template

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Thyth & Chins

 Instead of showing off different designs, this portfolio takes its viewers on a tour of a space that uses a similar design and color palette throughout each room. This lets viewers see how a purposefully designed home can improve upon the overall aesthetics of the entire home. 

No Negative Space

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Émilie Guitton

Designs are front and center in this portfolio. Each image is bumped up to the one next to it without any image borders. 

Sleek and Dark 

A split-screen image showcasing two modern interior designs by Gallion Design Studio. On the left, a minimalist dining area with a large window overlooking a pool and a scenic outdoor view. On the right, a chic living room with elegant furniture, decorative lighting, and floor-to-ceiling windows with blinds partially drawn.
 Credit: Gallion Design Studio

This bold portfolio design places a dark background and menu color against bright white text for easy navigation. Designs pop against the dark background, drawing viewers’ eyes to the images immediately. 

The Space Between 

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
Credit: Marta Czeczko

This portfolio embraces the negative space of the website and is a bit eccentric with its placement of images. The result is a less traditional look, but one that still commands attention. 

Down to Business

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Stay the Nite

 With just the name and a few menu selections, this portfolio focuses on large format images to show off the designer’s work. 

The Artful Portfolio 

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Studio Oded Alony

 This portfolio takes a more artistic approach with its design, showing off a single statue as one of its images, along with full-room images that include purposely blurred elements. 

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Full-Screen Statement 

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
Credit: Paige Hathaway Design

This portfolio displays the designer’s name prominently across the middle of the screen while using a full-width image to show off its designs. 

An Approachable Design 

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Pom Pom Factory

 A grandiose design isn’t required for interior design portfolios. This simple, tiled portfolio gives viewers everything they need to know, from images of designs to service offerings. 


screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: OreStudios

This portfolio focuses on the family-friendly areas of a home, giving visitors some inspiration for how they can create cozy, welcoming areas of their own. 

The All-In-One Design

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Sybrandt Creative Interior Design

 This stylish design features the designer’s name, easily accessible menu navigation, and tiled design images, allowing visitors to see conveniently everything the portfolio has to offer on one screen. 

Design by Purpose

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Wadsworth Design

This portfolio organizes design images by section, showing navigation links to specific projects like furnishings and office interiors, as well as a general portfolio view. 

Eye-Catching Color

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: ACTUAL Interior Design

The bright and beautiful colors of this portfolio’s designs are sure to catch the eye of viewers who are hunting for color inspiration. 

More Than Just a Portfolio

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
Credit: Buttercup Home

While this website does feature a portfolio, it also offers a shop and staging service area that extends beyond a traditional design portfolio. 

Designer Headshots 

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: CK Studio

This portfolio features a picture of the designers themselves, putting a welcoming face to the people behind the design work. 

Large-Scale Carousel 

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit: Dorian Caffot de Fawes Antiques

This portfolio shows off its designs in a single, large-scale image that can be scrolled through to see the other designs. 

Simple Squares 

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
Credit: Antoine Mège

This portfolio uses a simple square design to showcase the designer’s work. It is easily scrollable, with the designer’s Instagram and contact information located at the very top of the page. 

Pseudo-Pinterest Board 

screenshot of website interior design portfolio
 Credit:  AV Arquitectura Interior

This portfolio draws inspiration from the look and feel of Pinterest, giving users who are already on Pinterest a familiar feel as they scroll through the design work. 

A Modern Twist 

This modern portfolio is deliberately noisy in its design but does well to compartmentalize its design work and text to make the viewing experience fun and interactive. 

Design Magazine 

Inspired by the classic catalogs of yesteryear, this portfolio uses a design that gives off the feel of flipping through a magazine, revealing a new design with each turn of the page. 

Infographic Inspiration 

This template, which is fully customizable in Adobe InDesign, is reminiscent of a resume that utilizes infographics along with images of design work to help sell clients on the designer. 

Welcoming Simplicity  

Simple in its overall design, this portfolio provides an inviting welcome note to visitors, along with a focus on the designer’s name and a few choice design images. 

Built for Mobile 

With its vertical design, this portfolio is well-suited for mobile devices, making it even more accessible to visitors and potential clients. 

Dark Mode Squares 

Design work is emphasized in this portfolio with its images being placed on top of a black background. 

Simple and Elegant 

This portfolio features a simple yet elegant charm with limited text and a focus on light and shadows within the selected images. 

Artfully Fun 

The images used in this portfolio highlight the fun and lively nature of the designer, yet still maintain a professional feel overall. 

We hope this exploration of interior design portfolio examples has not only sparked your creativity but also equipped you with practical insights. Remember, the journey on how to become an interior designer is filled with continual learning and experimentation. Don't shy away from blending styles or pushing the boundaries of conventional design. And while interior design schools provide a solid foundation, your personal growth in the field is shaped by your unique experiences and vision. As you step forward, let your portfolio be a vibrant canvas that narratively encapsulates your design philosophy. 

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